Black History Month
Black History Month is a time to celebrate and highlight Black History and culture, and to honour the ancestors and leaders of Black communities, their accomplishments and their continued fight for liberation. Together, let’s educate one month, and celebrate every month.
Human Rights Day
Every year on December 10, people around the world stand up for equity, justice and human dignity by celebrating Human Rights Day.
National Day of Remembrance and Action to End Violence Against Women
On National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women, we remember the women who lost their lives in the École Polytechnique massacre, as well as all victims of gender-based violence.
OMERS Contribution Rates
Mark Janson, Senior Research Officer at CUPE National, has prepared the attached briefing note outlining the changes to the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System’s (OMERS) contribution rates that will take effect in 2027.