Injured Workers Day Info Picket

Injured Workers Day’ Info Picket On Saturday, June 1st 2019 From 11am Till 1pm At The Northwest Corner Of Victoria Park In London, Ontario To Publicly EXPOSE The Workplace Safety & Insurance Board(WSIB) For Ignoring Doctors, Interfering In Medical Care & Unfairly Denying Injured Workers Claims For Compensation While Also Spreading Public Awareness About The Ontario-Wide Workers Comp is a Right Campaign.

 Link to Facebook event page:

 Kevin Jones(Occupy WSIB)



Telephone Town Hall for Members

Free Collective Bargaining and the erosion of Public Services is at Stake!

This Tuesday, as part of their misguided wage restraint consultations, a large delegation of CUPE leadership and staff met with representatives of the provincial government. This meeting comes on the heels of the provincial budget, where cuts to services our members provide are rolling out across the province. While this meeting was just the first step in an ongoing process, it is very important that we update members on what we learned, what we told them, and what our strategy is going forward.  We strongly encourage you to join us for this important Town Hall Conference Call organized for all Local Executive members and staff. We will be dialing out to numbers we have on record, but here is the call in number for people to call in as well:

Date:                           Monday, April 29, 2019

Time:                           6:00 pm

Dial-in number:         1-877-229-8493

Code/Pin:                   114235#

President Fred Hahn, Treasurer Candace Rennick,  and Regional Director Joe Matasic, will update members on the very strong stand we took regarding the legitimacy of these consultations, including using the governments own numbers to show that Ontario public sector workers are not overpaid. Wages are not the reason we have a deficit and the facts are on our side. Ministry of Labour figures show that Ontario’s public sector wages have not kept pace with inflation over the last ten years, and we are mobilizing to ensure that the facts get heard. We hope you join us this Monday.

City Council Pay Increase

Council received a 32% increase in wages this year and it appears that they are considering a 2.3% increase on top of this to match inflation. If this is suitable to do for themselves, why not for our local. If this is the standard,  then let’s have this standard for all. Council turned down $15 minimum wage, if you increase your wages again,  your being disrespectful to everyone. Do the right thing here, no increase or provide everyone with this same offer to match inflation.