CUPE 101 sponsored the True Heroes Gala Event put on by the London Professional Fire Fighters. Proceeds go to to NICU.
On October 25 VOTE for Local 101 Executive Assistant
Working for the City of London in the Social Service area for 18 years has lead me to develop skills and to know the dynamics with working with different people. I lead with compassion and integrity. Taking an active leadership role on the picket line as a picket captain to assisting members as a union steward has provided me the experience to know how to get things done
Sharon Stanley
My 30 yrs working experience in Administration and Finance satisfies the requirements to assist any Member of the Executive with assigned duties. Provide administrative support to all Executive Members, as required. Ensure to recognize congratulatory and bereavement changes in our membership. Monitor, coordinate and confirm all events associated with our membership with due diligence. I would bring value to this Executive team in the form of transparency, etiquette, respect for authority and structure and the spirit of teamwork.
Candy Johnson
I am proud to represent CUPE Local 101 as Steward, fighting for your rights! I’m a current member of the Education Committee and web author of Delegate of Canadian Association of Labour Media, (CALM) May 2017. Picket Captain and former member of Joint Job Evaluation and the Social Committee.
Cami workers set to strike!
Uniform local 88 members could hit the picket line as early as 11 pm Sunday night.
Roughly 3000 CAMI workers voted almost 100 percent in favour of strike action reports CTV NEWS
Martin Luther King Jr. last campaign was for workers rights
A great article by Peter Dreiser of Common Dreams, tell how King went to Memphis to support African garbage workers who were on strike to protest unsafe conditions, abusive white supervisors and low wages.
America Needs Unions
An article written by the Detroit news by Brandon Brzys is a really good read and makes sense.
“Too many working moms and dad are struggling in today’s economy and don’t feel like they can ever get ahead. Too many Americans (and Canadians) don’t have the power to negotiate a fair wage for honest work.”
Labour Day 2017
On Monday September 4 CUPE Ontario members will take part in Labour Day events in Communities across the province.
Find an Event Near you
Labour Day and Picnic
Labour Day is an annual holiday to celebrate the achievements of workers. Having a union on your side makes your job and your workplace safer and fairer. You get paid better and are more likely to have benefits that help you balance work with life at home. Workers in unions are an important part of the local community and economy because that’s where they spend their paycheques. Their incomes support local businesses (who create local jobs) and bolster the local tax base, which supports public works and community services that add to everyone’s quality of life. When unions stand up for fairness, they raise the bar for everyone. Many of the things first won by unions are enjoyed by all workers today – minimum wages, overtime pay, workplace safety standards, maternity and parental leave, vacation pay, and protection from discrimination and harassment.
CUPE Local 101 is affiliated with the London District Labour Ciuncil. Please join us on September 3, 2017at Thames Park for the annual Labour Day Picnic hosted by the London District Labour Council from 12 pm until 4 pm.