London Pride Parade

Please join us in this year’s PRIDE Celebration!
Come walk with us to celebrate the PRIDE within each of us.
PRIDE at home, PRIDE at work, PRIDE in our community and PRIDE in all we do as CUPE 101 Members.
This year CUPE 101 will march as CUPE 101 “Super Heroes “
Please dress up as you’re favourite super hero, create your own costume

Please join us

DATE: Sunday, July 30th, 2017 from 12:30 PM
LOCATION: Queens Avenue
10:00am – 12:30pm – Western Fair District Parking Lot (Off Rectory Street) Parade starts at 12:30
The 23rd Annual Pride Parade formation will take place in the Western Fair District parking lot. All participants are asked to meet just inside the Rectory Street entrance, where you will be given additional information about where to assemble your float/group. All personal vehicles will be asked to park at the Western Fair Farmers’ Market at the corner of Dundas Street & Ontario Street to allow room for the parade formation.

For any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact Ryan Campbell CUPE PRIDE 101 Chair

Bet Morash is retiring

Bet Morash aka Betty Boop aka the forms lady will b leaving us to start her next adventure called “Retirement”. Join us for food, drink, and fun Wednesday, June 28th after 4 pm at Maxie’s upstairsdowntown.

tickets are available rom ITS Reception at 201 Queens Ave x5710

Laura Mitchell (HR) x 5402 and Nicole Williamson x4944



CUPE convention 2017

Joanne Teutloff, Anna Marie Apau, Teresa Loucks, and Steve Holland were in attendance.

They went to a rally to support our brothers and sisters of Cupe Local 1600, the zoo workers whom are on strike. The met Jagmeet Singh and Jennifer French, both Ontario NDP Politicians out supporting CUPE as they do so well.  There were other NDP leaders as well and supporting CUPE.

The convention was amazing, great solidarity, reviewed Resolutions and Constitutional changes.  Met with our leaders of both CUPE Ontario and National, Fred Hahn, Candace Rennicj, Charles Fleury, and Mark Hancock.  We also reconnected with fellow brothers and sisters from Ontario locals like 122 North Bay, 5167 Hamilton, 129 Pickering, 79 Toronto and many others. We are strong together as a whole and when we unite together we can make change.  There are 250 000 CUPE members in Ontario, and 650 000 across Canada, we are not alone and we are strong.

Raise the Rates Campaign

Raise the Rates Campaign


Raise the Rates is a campaign to fight poverty by raising social assistance rates in Ontario. Jointly organized by the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP), Put Food in the Budget, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario, Ontario Public Service Employees Union, Poverty Makes Us Sick Waterloo Region, Poverty Makes Us Sick Ottawa, and other grassroots anti-poverty organizers and trade union allies from across Ontario. We are a growing movement united in fighting for:
• Raising social assistance rates
• Stopping the erosion of social assistance benefits
• Demanding a living wage for all

Reverse the Cuts, Raise the Rates!
In 1995 the Tory government cut welfare rates by 21.6 % and froze disability. Since the Liberals came to power in 2003, they have spent over a decade talking about poverty reduction, all the while cutting real incomes of people on social assistance vis-a-vis inflation. As a result, welfare rates today are over 60% below where they were in the early 90s. In the same period the number of Ontarians working minimum wage jobs has increased five times, and one in three of us today are stuck working low-wage jobs.
Endless cycles of consultations, studies, Commissions to Review Social Assistance have instead been organized, along with the recent proposal to pilot a Basic Income Project to defer the most logical action – raising social assistance rates. While poor people are told to keep consulting, successive budgets have provided billions of dollars worth of tax breaks to corporations and the rich.
We demand an immediate increase in OW and ODSP rates and stand-by demands made by the $15andfairness campaign.