On November 14th, a vote will occur on a series of by-law changes that will fundamentally change the governance of OMERS, weakening the voices of workers and their unions.
Click here to send a message to OMERS: https://cupe.on.ca/stopomerschanges/?utm_source=CUPE+Ontario+E-blast+List&utm_campaign=20da537830-LTC+Townhall+Follow-up_Nov_1_2018_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_ce0380177e-20da537830-88807773
Call to Stop Bill 124
The Ford Conservatives are trying to pass Bill 124: an act to strip workers of their right to free collective bargaining and force them to accept contracts that don’t keep pace with inflation.
They are using time allocation to try to get the bill based this week.
Click to call a conservative MPP’s office: https://communitiesnotcuts.ca/bill124call/?utm_source=CUPE+Ontario+E-blast+List&utm_campaign=f59a559233-LTC+Townhall+Follow-up_Nov_1_2018_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_ce0380177e-f59a559233-88807773
Labour Day 2019
On Monday, September 2 CUPE Ontario members will take part in Labour Day events in communities across the province. The annual celebration has its roots in the labour movement’s fight for an eight-hour work day and celebrates the many gains unions have struggled for on behalf of all workers, including health and safety regulations, parental leave, better wages, pay equity laws, and same-sex spousal benefits.
Massive explosion injures 7 in London, Ontario
Local 101 thanks our fellow brothers and sisters that are first responders and a speedy recovery to those injured in this tragedy. The community has joined together to help those affected, we are all family and in a crisis we all pull together to help support those in need. Thanks London.
Pride 25th Anniversary
DATE: Sunday, July 28th, 2019 from 12:30 PM
LOCATION: Queens Avenue
For More Information: please contact PRIDE Chair Mandy McMinn 519 661-4520 Ext 4895
Formation for this year’s parade will take place around the Western Fair District Raceway. All participants are asked to meet at the corner of King Street & Ontario Street, where you will be given additional information about where to assemble your float/group. All personal vehicles will be asked to park at the Western Fair District Market at the corner of Dundas Street & Ontario Street. The parade will begin promptly at 12:30pm, travelling north on Ontario Street to Queens Avenue; West on Queens Avenue to Wellington Street; North on Wellington Street to Wolfe Street; The parade will disperse at Victoria Park.