City Council Pay Increase
Council received a 32% increase in wages this year and it appears that they are considering a 2.3% increase on top of this to match inflation. If this is suitable to do for themselves, why not for our local. If this is the standard, then let’s have this standard for all. Council turned down $15 minimum wage, if you increase your wages again, your being disrespectful to everyone. Do the right thing here, no increase or provide everyone with this same offer to match inflation.
LAWC – 19th Annual Intl. Woman’s Day Breakfast
Hi Steve and CUPE 101 members,
Wow – what a whirlwind of a month March was. I finally have time to thank CUPE 101 for your amazing support of the 19th Annual International Woman’s Day Breakfast & Auction through your Bronze Sponsorship! As a result of your generosity we were able to raise a record amount of $ 79.335.00 towards front-line services for abused women and girls age 12 and older at this year’s event.
Best wishes and we hope to work with you again soon,
London Healthcare Town Hall with Andrea Horwath
April 03, 2019 at 6:30pm – 8pm
255 Horton St E
London, ON N6B 1L1
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
March 21 is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It marks the anniversary of the 1960 massacre of 69 peaceful Black demonstrators in Sharpeville, South Africa by the apartheid regime. Mindful of the recent Mosque Attack in New Zealand, CUPE Ontario calls on our members to reflect on the racial discrimination and xenophobia that persists in our workplaces, our communities, and our union—while committing to challenge it wherever it appears. In so doing, we also acknowledge the uniquely pernicious nature of anti-Black racism and the fact that ultimately there can be no racial justice without economic justice.
Super Agency, Super Power, Super Bad For Patients
The Ontario PC Government is proposing creating a centralized Super agency
Ontario’s Health Care What Cupe Members Should Know
To find out how the PC Government’s radical plans to cut, close, restructure and privatize Ontario’s Health System clickHealth System
Latest leaks show creeping privatization, further signs of chaos for Ontario’s public services
TORONTO, ON – Leaked documents revealing a plan by the Ford PC government to further privatize our health care system are a harbinger of chaos for public services that should disturb all Ontarians, says Fred Hahn, President of CUPE Ontario.
“This is another huge piece of the Conservative plan to privatize our public services and an assault on our most cherished values as Canadians. Even people who voted Conservative should be deeply concerned.”
The Ford plan—already reported in the media as approved by cabinet—would privatize services such as health care inspections, laboratories, licensing, devices, and Ornge Air Ambulance. It would further create a ‘Super Agency’ to oversee a privatization drive through ‘MyCare’ groups empowered to contract out front-line health care to for-profit entities.
“Everyday Ontarians are frustrated over another announcement they didn’t vote for and weren’t consulted about. This scheme is the latest in a series of government moves—such as the proposal to remove class size caps, gut full day kindergarten, roll back gains for working families under Bill 148, scrap modern sex-ed, upload and sell-off key pieces of public transit, reorganize regional governments, make deep cuts to universities, interfere in the collective bargaining process, and more—that are throwing the public sector into disarray.”
“CUPE members are part of a growing movement in communities across the province working to defend and expand the public services we depend on and prevent the chaos of privatization, contracting-out, and cuts.”